
  • Z. Z. Finenko
  • V. V. Suslin
  • T. Ya. Churilova


Black Sea, model, satellite, primary production, chlorophyll, light, phytoplankton


The low parametric regional model to calculate the Black Sea primary production using satellite color scanner SeaWiFS was developed and applied for computation the primary production values for the period of 1998 - 2004. In the model the results of study of the photosynthetic characteristics of the Black Sea phytoplankton as well as vertical chlorophyll distribution were used that was the base of the regional algorithm development. Under applied parameterization simultaneous effect of photon flux density, temperature and chlorophyll concentration in the surface layer on photosynthetic parameters of photosynthesis- light curve and their variability with depth were taken into consideration. The regularities founded were united with satellite data of these parameters to estimate the spatial-temporal variability of the phytoplankton photosynthetic characteristics. Joint application of the satellite data and the model calculations allowed for the first time to have the full picture of the spatial-temporal variability of the phytoplankton production for the whole basin and to estimate its inter - annual dynamics for the special regions. The value mean of the primary production in all the Black Sea obtained from our computations is given as 212 gС m-2 year-1, or 81 million ton С for the whole basin.


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