
  • V. E. Zaika
  • N. G. Sergeeva


Ciliophora, Black Sea, benthos, great depths


The materials on vertical distribution of the bottom Ciliophora in the Black Sea at the depths from 120 to 2075 m have been given. Hydrogensulfide began to be registered from 160 – 170 m. Three peaks of ciliates abundance at the depths of 120, 160 and 240 m were marked. Average abundance peak coincides with the depths of hydrogen sulfide appearance. Besides, according to the data available, at the same depths there are pelagic peaks of intensity of bacterial hemosynthesis and bacteria production. Therefore ciliates abundance peaks can be connected with food accumulations. In other meromictic water reservoirs microplankton densing were observed also in the region of transit from aerobic waters to anaerobic ones. The most number of ciliates morphotypes (8) was at the 240 m depth, in the region of the lower peak of abundance.


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