
  • B. E. Anninsky


Gelatinous macroplankton, mesoplankton, alien ctenophore, species composition, spatial distribution, interannual dynamics of biomass, Black Sea


The data describing distribution and abundance of macro- and mesoplankton in the western Black Sea in October 2005 are discussed. Among gelatinous species Aurelia aurita and Beroe ovata were prevailed by biomass (528 and 15 g m-2, respectively) in shelf areas while Mnemiopsis leidyi and Pleurobrachia pileus were more common (76 and 22 g m-2, respectively) in the open sea. The total mesoplankton biomass averaged to 5.75±1.35, 10.47±4.19, and 10.01±4.70 g m-2 in shelf, continental slope, and deep sea areas, correspondingly. But, without chaetognats and Noctiluca the trend to increase of mesoplankton biomass in direction from shelf (3.99±0.91 g m-2) to the open sea (8.72±1.25 g m-2) is really displays. It has been shown that predatory activity of ctenophores seems present time to be the main factor determining zooplankton abundance and composition in the Black Sea. According to many years’ data there is supported statistically inverse dependence between M. leidyi biomass and biomass of this species prey components. 


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