
  • G.G. Minіcheva
  • Ye.V. Sokolov



eco-factor approach, phototrophic zoning, geoinformation systems, Ukrainian sector of the Black and Azov Seas


It has been proposed as the basic criteria for marine ecosystems zoning use factors affecting the intensity and provide ecological processes.
The possibilities of using remote sensing and GIS data in the spatial zoning of sea areas are demonstrated. For the marine exclusive zone of Ukraine, maps of the distribution of important ecological factors – depths, bottom substrates, and average annual values of photosynthetic active radiation are presented.
Conducting division benthic phototrophic Ukrainian sector of the Black Sea and Azov Sea ecological zones: infralitoral; upper zircalitoral; lower zircalitoral; pelagic circalitoral – elitoral; upper Batial; lower Batial; continental foot; abisal.
Calculated mean values of PAR for deep horizons for each ecological zone. It was determined that the smallest areas of PAR distribution in the infralittoral zone are inherent in the adjacent sea areas to the Danube and Dnieper-Bug estuary. The highest values are typical for bays, uplands of river paleovalleys, paleoterases, and barrows.
On the basis of international geodatabase EMODnet shows the distribution of substrates and bottom sediments. The proposed cartographic materials and geoinformation layers of eco-factor zoning of the benthal, which can be used in the implementation of the EU water directive standards for further monitoring and achievement of the main goal of each allocated territorial subdivision – good ecological status (GES).
It has been demonstrated that the distribution of the number of PAR, the structure and contour of soils is subject to geomorphological features (the location of river paleovalleys – troughs flooded by the sea, their elevations from the watershed) and the distribution of alluvial material in the zones of influence of river runoffs (plumes).
It is proposed to use indicators related to the intensity of the primary production process to determine the areas of marine monitoring of ecological status class, according to the standards of EU water directives.


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