
  • Z. Z. Finenko
  • I. V. Kovalyova
  • T. Ya. Churilova
  • V. V. Suslin


primary production, chlorophyll a, photosynthesis efficiency, phytoplankton, the Black Sea


The seasonal and inter-annual dynamics of primary production and chlorophyll concentration in neretic and pelagic areas in the Black Sea in 1998-2001 were determined by satellite measurements of chlorophyll concentration in the surface layer, temperature, solar radiation intensity as well as the coefficient of diffusive light attenuation at 490 nm wave length and model calculations. In deep waters the seasonal variations of chlorophyll concentration had U-like form and did not correlate with primary production dynamics while in the Northwestern Black Sea they were interdependent. In all regions the linear relationship was observed between primary production/chlorophyll ratio in photosynthetic zone and solar radiation incident on the sea surface. The coefficients of correlation between productivity index (IP) and light intensity are reliable and show clear relation of IP values with quantity of light incident on the sea surface. Average photosynthetic activity is 0.45 ± 0.09 mg C mg chl –1(mol quantum m-2)-1. The patterns of photosynthetic efficiency in relation to absorbed and incident light are similar. Light intensity and nutrient concentration are the main factors determining dynamics of photosynthesis efficiency.


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