
  • S.G. Bushuiev
  • B.S. Hulak
  • S.M. Snihirov
  • O.K. Chashchyn



north-western part of the Black Sea, sprat, sturgeon, turbot, Rapa whelk, trawl fishing, beam trawl, by-catch


The species composition, size and mass characteristics of fish and other aquatic organisms in catches of midwater and beam trawls in the north-western part of the Black Sea are presented. 298 catches of mid-water trawls and 622 catches of bottom beam trawls were inspected. It has been revealed that sprat fishing with mid-water trawls has a high selectivity and little effect on the other commercial species. The by-catches of such species as anchovy, horse mackerel, red mullet, and whiting were less than 1% of the total catch. The spiny dogfish and the Black Sea turbot dominated among the demersal fishes in the by-catch. Nevertheless, theirs by-catches did not exceed the limits set by the fishing regulations. The average by-catch of turbot in catches of mid-water trawls was 3.44 kg per 1 ton of sprat in 2018 and 0.83 kg/t in 2019. The spiny dogfish’s by-catch has increased in recent years and was mainly represented by young individuals of new generations. The negative impact of sprat fishing on sturgeon remains significant. The annual by-catch of sturgeon in the sprat fishery is estimated at about 400 individuals. More than 90% of this by-catch are young starred sturgeons. In this regard, it is recommended to limit the operation of vessels in shallow areas of the Sea. The Rapa whelk fishing using bottom beam trawls has recently begun and has been carried out by a limited number of vessels experim entally. There is a much larger unwanted by-catch in these gears. The use of beam trawls can damage populations of Black Sea turbot and flounder. In all cases the by-catches of this fishes were dominated by undersized individuals. The total number of juvenile turbot in the catches of the controlled beam trawls was – 646 individuals. The undersized juveniles accounted for 72% by weight among the 219 individuals. of flounder caught by beam trawls. Very often these young fish were damaged by the Rapa whelk’s shells at the time of the catch unloading. It is necessary to change the design of the beam trawl for Rapa whelk in order to increase the selectivity of gear to other objects.


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World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)

