
  • E. V. Lisitskaya
  • N. A. Boltachova
  • M. V. Lebedovskaya


Spionidae, Polydora websteri, larval development, oysters borers, the Black Sea


In the shells of the oyster Crassostrea gigas, cultured in marifarms of the south-western and the southern Crimea, discovered a new species for the fauna of Ukraine bristle worm Polydora websteri. The oysters were contaminated borer polychaetes, from the first year of life. The occurrence reached 29 %. This species of Polydora found in the limestone rocks in the area of Sevastopol too. The larvae developed in the capsules to the stage of 12 - 13 segments, eating nurse eggs, the number of which was 85 – 90 % of the total number of eggs in the capsules.


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