
  • I. V. Kovalyova


primary production, chlorophyll a, intensity of sun radiation, Black Sea


The results of comparison of integrated on a depth primary production calculated with the use of five algorithms are shown. Algorithms included information about concentration of chlorophyll in a surface layer, intensity photosynthetic active radiation, temperature and depth of euphotic zone. For the analysis of algorithms three databases are used. One included satellite information two other was obtained at measurements of production the method of simulate in situ and in situ. The results of calculations, with using of five algorithms into every database, were compared between itself and with experimental data. Analysis of algorithms differentiating on a structure and complication are shown relatively small distinctions of the primary production calculated on concentration of chlorophyll in a surface layer, amount of sun radiation and temperature. The high level of comparable of model calculations with the measured data is shown extreme distinctions between value were within the limits of 2 – 3 times. Mean values of integral daily production, calculated by algorithms, on 10 – 30 % less, than simulate in situ and in situ methods. The strong and weak sides of models allowing choosing the most comfortable algorithms for the calculation of primary production in the Black Sea are revealed.


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