
  • О.Ye. Uzun
  • V.V. Portianko



artificial substrates, plastic substrate, meiobenthos, Ostracoda, Harpacticoida, Copepoda, fouling


In the article there are research results of the eumeiobenthic crustaceans on the plastic litter surface in the nearshore Cape Malyi Fontan water area in Odesa Gulf (north-western Black Sea). Species diversity, density and biomass of eumeiobenthic crustaceans were determined on the plastic litter collected in July and October 2018 in the nearshore cape aquatic zone. Eumeiobenthic organisms made up grate percentage in meiobenthos and were represented by order Harpacticoida (Copepoda) and class Ostracoda. The eumeiobenthos percentage of the total meiobenthos density in July made up 36.05% and in October – 58,08%. The indexes of the eumeiobenthos biomass almost didn’t distinct in the different months of the sampling. The percentage of the harpacticoids copepods was more 80%, and ostracods – up to 15%.
On the plastic litter 14 meiobenthos taxa were registered. Were identified 9 ostracodes species, associated with plastic marine litter, that are from 5 families. Most widespread species of ostracodes on the fouling of the plastic litter were Hemicytherura bulgarica (Klie, 1937), Paradoxostoma variabile (Baird, 1835) and Xestoleberis decipiens Mueller, 1894. Fauna of harpacticoid copepods on the plastic litter from coastal cape waters consists of 16 species belongs to 10 families. Among them Ameira parvula parvula (Claus, 1866), Canuella perplexa (Scott T. et A., 1893), Dactylopusia tisboides (Claus, 1863), Ectinosoma melaniceps (Boeck, 1845) та Harpacticus littoralis (Sars G. O., 1910) were most common.
Meiobenthos assemblages on the plastic litter fouling are similar to the diversity, formed on the artificial and natural substrates of the Odesa Gulf, but distinct from the last much lower density and biomass values. Eumeiobenthic crustaceans represented by widespread species, inhabiting in the nearshore water zone of the Ukrainian part of the north-western Black Sea.


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