
  • O. V. Krivenko


Black Sea, fluorescence, chlorophyll a, nitrate


Changes of vertical distribution of the chlorophyll fluorescence in connection with hydrological, hydrodynamical and hydrochemical conditions in the Black Sea during summer and autumn are considered on the basis of generalization of materials of six marine expeditions executed from 1991 to 2005. It is shown unimodal vertical distribution of fluorescence dominate during all warm period. In the 90 % of cases fluorescence maximum set in the thermocline at the 22 ± 7 m. It lies mainly on a depth of maximal density gradient at the size of the last up to ~ 0.6 kg·m-3·m-1 and deepens on 5 – 7 m under the gradient increasing. About 40% of profiles has fluorescence maximum in the Cold Intermediate Layer as well. It is shown that half-width of the fluorescence maximum is inversely to the value ones and can vary from 13.5 ± 4 to 28 ± 11 m against on pigment maximum concentration. In the sea region with opposite water dynamic sizes of fluorescence maximum were similar summer, whereas in autumn fluorescence maximum tend to increase in the cyclonic regions.


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