
  • I. K. Evstigneeva
  • I. N. Tankovska


Black Sea, Crimea, macrophytes, ecoton, taxonomic structure, ecological groups, phytomass, phytocenosis, dominants, salinity


Ecology-taxonomic structure and peculiarities of formation of benthos phytocenosis biomass of the coastal ecoton of south-western Crimea are described in spatial-time aspects. Degree and reasons of the lability of taxonomic composition are found. It was shown that high species variety on open sea areas is being decreased on changing the conditions towards elevated and lowered salinity. The dominants in macrophytobenthos of the investigated region are marine, one-year and leading types of algae, and the quantitative proportions of these groups correspond to those in the rest of the Black sea. Biomass of algacenoses in conditions of south-western Crimea is characterized by high variability. All-year-round investigations of algae in conditions of spring, area of its contact with sea and on distance have shown that within the region of a mixture of fresh and sea water the phytocenoses of transit type are being formed, which feature the level of the majority of analysed properties higher than that in conditions of spring, and lower than that in sea region. Proportions of taxons and ecological groups are similar in “spring-sea” and “sea” areas.


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