
  • D. A. Litvinyuk
  • D. A. Altukhov
  • V. S. Mukhanov
  • E. V. Popova


Copepoda, Oithona brevicornis, live and dead zooplankton, mortality, neutral red, fluorescein diacetate, Sevastopol bay


At two stations in coastal waters off Sevastopol (the Black Sea), analysis of the seasonal dynamics of mesozooplankton community and its components (total copepods and the invader Oithona brevicornis) was combined with viability assays. The latter was conducted after staining zooplankton samples with two vital markers – neutral red (NR) and fluorescein diacetate (FDA). It is the first experience of applying FDA in a field study of marine zooplankton. The percentage of live copepods (PLC) was highly variable (15-98%) irrespective of the site or season. In the open waters, a trend was revealed for PLC and copepods’ contribution to the total mesozooplankton abundance to decrease from cold to warm months. Statistically significant correlation between these variables may be explained by increasing inter-species competition in the community. In heavily polluted waters of Sevastopol bay, the PLC was insignificantly higher than in more clear, open waters that might be due to either higher bacteria-associated decomposition of dead specimens in the water column or better adaptation of the dominating copepod species to polluted environments. High correlation between the PCL estimates obtained by NR and FDA makes the new, FDA-based method promising for applying it successfully in field studies of marine zooplankton.


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