
  • V. E. Zaika
  • Е. А. Ivanova
  • N. G. Sergeeva


Black Sea, meiobenthos, local and seasonal changes, hypoxia


This study investigates the distribution, seasonal changes of meiofauna taxa and meiobenthic response to variety of hypoxic environments at three locations of Sevastopol Bay. The comparative analysis between macro- and meiobenthos reactions on hypoxic conditions was done. For some benthic taxa was registered the decreasing in total density while the hydrogen sulfide arises up to sediment surface. Contrary, for Nematoda were observed the increasing their density while the hydrogen sulfide arises up to sediment surface. High abundant taxonomic groups had shown more clearly the tendency than low abundant groups. Species identification could provide more detail ecological information than coarse taxonomic resolution studies.


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