
  • G. A. Finenko
  • E. G. Arashkevitch
  • A.E. Kideys
  • A. Roohi
  • A. Mirzajani
  • S. Bagheri
  • Z. Birinci
  • F. Ustun
  • H. Satilmis
  • F. Sahin
  • L. Bat


Beroe ovata, hatching success, survival, growth rate


Reproduction characteristics, survival and growth rate of ctenophore Beroe ovata larvae were studied in the Caspian and the Black Sea water at salinity about 12 and 18 ‰ accordingly. Both larvae placed in the Caspian water with and without acclimation showed the lower values of reproduction indices as compared with those in the Black Sea water. Nevertheless, adult Beroe ovata could reproduce in the Caspian water even placed there without any salinity acclimation and some share of eggs (about 10 – 15 % of total number of the laid eggs) developed into larvae. In the Black Sea water the hatching success was much higher and was equal to 83 – 87 %. Beroe larvae grew in the Caspian Sea water though their growth rate was rather slow and survival was not as high as in the Black Sea.


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