
  • N. G. Sergeeva
  • V. E. Zaika


the Black Sea, Near-Bosporus region, macrobenthos, meiobenthos


10 stations were carried out in the Near-Bosporus region with the depth interval of 75 – 300 m. Macrobenthos total quantity was 136 – 111 thous. indiv. m-2 at the depths of 75 – 82 m, than its number decreased sharplyup to 29 – 11 thous. indiv. m-2 and remained in the limits of 11 – 4 thous. indiv. m-2 up to the depth of 250 m. Macrobenthos is represented by annelids only at the depths lower than 123 m. Polychaete Vigtorniella zaikai forms the accumulation at the depth of 250 m in the Near-Bosporus region, thought, its peaks are at the depths of 150 – 170 m, in the belt of oxygen to the hydrogen sulphide zone transition, in the northern sea half. Meiobenthos total quantity is the highest at the depth of 75 m (1861.6 thous. smpl/m2). It becomes lower, with the depth increase, forming thesmaller peaks at the depths of 88 m (1011 thous. indiv. m-2), 162 m (468.5 thous. indiv. m-2) and 250 m (603.2 thous. indiv. m-2).The main share of the total quantity falls on nematode group, and harpacticoids are the following. Thelowest abundance peak is at the depth of 250 m and meiobenthos quantity decreases considerably at the depth of 300 m.


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