
  • A.B. Zotov
  • Ye.V. Sokolov
  • Yu.I. Bogatova
  • M.O. Pavlovska
  • A.O. Dzhulai



monitoring, phytoplankton, satellite data, Black Sea


The selection of monitoring stations is one of the important methodological tasks to be solved in the process of planning long-term environmental research. This determines the need to find approaches that meet the criteria of the EU Marine Strategy when selecting coastal phytoplankton monitoring stations. One of them is the use of the results of the interpretation of satellite data. They can be an effective tool in analyzing the heterogeneity of water mass distribution in the area where coastal monitoring is planned and allow to determine the water area to which its results can be extended. The next stage is a comprehensive study, which analyzes the heterogeneity of the distribution of phytoplankton in the local coastal waters and identifies the factors that determine these differences. According to the results of this analysis, the optimal location and number of monitoring stations is determined. These approaches are demonstrated by the example of studies of the local coastal Black Sea area. Analysis of the distribution of phytoplankton at 6 stations in the area of North Odessa Cape revealed significant differences in the vertical and horizontal distribution of phytoplankton. Studies of hydrological (surface temperature, turbidity and flow direction) and hydrochemical parameters have explained these differences as a consequence of the influence of specific factors. The main ones were the different nature of water exchange and differences in the content of organic and mineral forms of nutrients at stations. This led to different types of biomass distribution at stations and even significant differences in the taxonomic structure of phytoplankton groups within the local water area. The conducted research allowed to determine locations where the impact of natural features of shores, artificial coastal structures and sources of coastal eutrophication is minimal. This allows them to be used as permanent monitoring stations in accordance with the standards of the EU Maritime Strategy.


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