
  • I. A. Parfyonova
  • A. A. Soldatov


hypoxia, hematology, erythrocytes indexes, erythropoiesis, cytometry, Neogobius melanostomus


Influence external hypoxia (concentration O2 in water – 1.7 – 1.8 mg l-1) on the contents immature erythroid forms in blood and morphological characteristics circulating erythrocytes at Neogobius melanostomus Р. were investigated under experimental conditions. It was shown, that hematocrit value was increased under conditions deficiency oxygen. Hemoglobin concentration and erythrocyte number in blood were not change. This reaction was determinate the swelling of red blood cells as a result of hydration of their cytoplasm that reflected character of erythrocyte indexes change (MCH, MCHC, MCV). Experimental hypoxia was determined the rise of nucleus volume and nucleo-plasmatic ratio at mature erythrocytes of N. melanostomus. Under hypoxia conditions the proliferation processes in erythroid line of cells were more intensify. It was reflected, increasing of content of the least differentiated erythroid forms in blood – basophilic normoblasts. The processes determining of these reactions were discussed.


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