
  • R. Sultana
  • Q. B. Kazmi
  • M. Nasir
  • F. Amir
  • W. Ali
  • N. V. Shadrin


mysids, Indomysis annandalei, population structure, sex ratio, salinity tolerance


Indomysis annandalei was collected from the Ambro Creek in Indus delta (240 34'9 N, 670 60'8 E), Pakistan, from November 2006 to October 2007. A total of 20647 specimens ranging in size from 1.0 to 9.7 mm were analyzed in samples: 33% were males, 53% females and 14% were indeterminate juveniles. Males ranged in size from 3.5 to 8.0 mm; females from 3.0 to 9.7 mm and juveniles from 1.0 to 4.0 mm. Females were larger than males and predominated in the majority of the samples with an overall male to female ratio of 1:1.58. Five stages of development were recognized, the number of larvae in the brood pouch ranged from 3 to 18. During the sampling period salinity ranged from 4 to 38 ppt, temperature from 13 to 39 0C, pH 8.0 to 8.5, and D.O. fluctuated from 4.9 to 9.0 mg/L. The salinity tolerance was also determined experimentally for I. annandalei. The upper limit of salinity tolerance was 130 ppt, while the lower limit was 4 ppt. I. annandalei appears to be a suitable organism for culture due to its high tolerance to temperature and salinity, its nutritional value and its occurrence almost throughout the year in Pakistan coastal waters. Artemia culture is not possible below 130 ppt salinity due to I. annandalei presence.


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