
  • Yu. N. Tokarev
  • E. P. Bityukov
  • R. Williams


Atlantic Ocean, seamounts, bioluminescence, plankton


The bioluminescence and plankton characteristics in the euphotic layer over 11 seamounts in the Atlantic Ocean were studied. Investigations were carried out along the axis of flow over the mounts. Bathyphotometric measurements (1606 casts) were taken from 2 m to 100 m depths at 87 stations over the various seamounts with a vertical resolution of 1 m. Plankton samples were taken with Juday nets and submersible electric pumps with 36 m3• •h-1 performance. The bioluminescence characteristics varied over seamounts with different geomorphological features. The hydrodynamic gyres, created by the bottom elevations, and the upwelling of water with biogenic elements, also seem to have effects on the quantitative characteristics of the plankton. The largest changes in the structure and intensity of the bioluminescence field were observed in the regions of large geomorphological formations. For example, over mountains at greater depth in the North Atlantic Ocean (Slozhnaya, Mayskaya, Hecate sea mounts) changes were observed between 5 and 16 km from their peaks, while in the regions of comparatively shallow bank, such as Valdivia, changes were seen up to distances of 100 km. The influence of sharppicks sea mounts (Meteor and Irving, Udachnaya bank) on the bioluminescence field and distribution of plankton was not so evident. For example, the effects of the Meteor and Irving mountains were observed only over their peaks, with the intensity of bioluminescence exceeding the background levels by 1.5 to 3 times. The same effect was observed over the Udachnaya bank that was being characterised by higher productivity. In the region of Valdivia bank, which has a depth similar to the Meteor and Irving sea mounts (about 250 m) the bioluminescence intensity, in the upper 100 m layer increased over 20 times if compared with the open ocean.


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