
  • V. E. Zaika
  • S. K. Konovalov
  • N. G. Sergeeva


the Black Sea, hypoxia, hydrogen sulfide, quantity of macrobenthos


Voltammetric measurements of the oxygen and sulfide content in the upper bottom sediments and studies of macrobenthos have been carried out for three sites of the Sevastopol coastal zone. In total, 15 samples for the sediment cores for voltammetric analyses and 23 samples for studies of benthos have been collected. The depth of the H2S onset varied from the ground surface to 60mm depending on the site location and the season of sampling. The data have been ranged according to the depth of the hydrogen sulfide appearance that has been considered as an indicator of the degree of hypoxia. It was compared with total benthos abundance and with the abundance of individual groups of benthos. The total macrobenthos abundance decreases with the upward shift of the hydrogen sulfide onset in the bottom sediments. It is also true for Annelida and Bivalvia individual abundance. At the same time, Gastropoda reaction has been different, and Crustacea abundance has increased with H2S approaching to the surface of the bottom sediments. The group species composition and every species ecological properties must be taken into consideration for finding the explanations.


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