
  • V. N. Eremeev
  • V. L. Vladymyrov
  • Yu. N. Tokarev
  • S. A. Piontkovski
  • O. V. Sergeyeva


marine biological data, data bases, Black Sea, World Ocean


The review devoted to the history and nowadays state of work on search, digitization, quality control, and dissemination of the marine biological data collected by the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IBSS NASU). The international projects are described in the frameworks of which this work was performed, starting from the GODAR project (Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue) of the International Data and Information Exchange Programme of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. The statistics of the digitized data is given as well as the short description of the world, regional, and thematic data centers and data bases where these data are kept recently. The special metadata and data base management systems are described that were developed to support this work. The main peculiarities of search digitization and quality control of the marine biological data are described in comparison with the hydrophysical and hydrochemical data. The amount of the IBSS data that still should be digitized and the necessary recourses are estimated.


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