
  • S. A. Seregin
  • S. A. Piontkovski


diversity, copepod behaviour, light, temperature, salinity, turbulent diffusion


The overview is based on results of long-term experimental studies оf the authors and literature data, and applies to copepod species from plankton of the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The work has incorporated the analysis of diversity and variability of the locomotory acts under the impact of abiotic factors: light, temperature, salinity, and the turbulent diffusion. Variability of locomotory activity depending on intensity, orientation (for the scalar factors), from a various combination of the environmental factors is shown. One of the mechanisms of a preferred conditions selection and phenomenon of a polymodality of copepod distribution in gradient conditions of environment is analyzed on an example of Acartia clausi behaviour in a vertical salinity gradient. It is emphasized, that intra- and inter-species variability of selection behaviour provides more effective utilization of environmental resources, promotes reduction of competition between species and, as a consequence, supports a high degree of species diversity in pelagic ecosystems.


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