
  • E. S. Hubareva
  • L. S. Svetlichny


Calanipeda aquaedulcis, Arctodiaptomus salinus, salinity tolerance


Salinity tolerance of copepods Calanipeda aquaedulcis and Arctodiaptomus salinus collected from saline lakes of the Eastern Crimea has been studied. The main part of C. aquaedulcis females can reproduce within the salinity range of 0 – 50 ‰. About 20 % of adults of this species survive at 60 ‰ during 40 days. Salinity tolerance range of A. salinus amounts to 0 – 40 ‰. More than 50 % of C. aquaedulcis individuals are able to undergo 30 ‰ gradual salinity change during 8 h whilst A. salinus can tolerate only 20 ‰ salinity alteration.


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