
  • V. I. Monchenko


The Sea of Azov, Cyclopinidae (Copepoda), biodiversity, species redescriptions, halopathy, systematic


The illustrated monographic descriptions of species of Cyclopinidae from the Sea of Azov are presented. They were not recorded in this Sea earlier. The males of Cyclopinoides littoralis are described on the whole at first time. Among different biotopes the interstitial is the most preferred one for representatives of Cyclopinidae. These species are found in 90 samples from 172 ones digged up at the 35 geographic sites of the coastal zone. Perhaps 122 from them were taken actually at typical for this sea mesohaline salinity. Salinity preferendum (polyhaline, pleuomesohaline and meiomesohaline ones) for each species is ascertained. The row of significant meristic features for differentiation of Azov-Blacksea populations of Cyclopina esilis major from type populations of Mediterranean and Atlantic C. gracilis (except the more large dimensions) is proposed.


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