
  • В. А. Иванов
  • С. П. Любарцева
  • Э. Н. Михайлова
  • Н. Б. Шапиро


ecosystem, 3D numerical modeling, upper mixed layer, nitrogen сусІе, Danube's mouth zone, the Black Sea


Our experience of the Black Sea ecosystem modeling is discussed. The three-compartment (plankton, nutri- ent, detritus) ecosystem model is coupled with the three-dimensional hydrothermodynamic model to investigate causal-consequential relationships between physical forcing and biogeochemical variability in Danube’s mouth zone. ‘The advection-diffusion-reaction equations are solved to take into account physical transport, photosynthesis, plank- ton lost due to mortality, detritus sinking and remineralization, Three numeric experiments were carried out for study an influence of meteorological conditions on the ecosystem state, namely a wind absence and weak (5 m/s) north-easter and northwestern wind, Spatial and temporal distributions of ecosystem state variables as well as their fluxes are analyzed. The 3D coupled basin scale model of the Black Sea circulation and nitrogen cycling is developed. The multi-layer quasi-isopycnical model with upper mixed layer (UML) is used as hydrothermodynamic block. The seven-compartment (phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria, dissolved organic matter, ammonium, nitrates, detritus) pelagic model is applied as biogeochemical block, Model is forced by monthly mean variability of solar radiation, atmospheric circulation, river inflows, water exchange through the Bosphorus and external sources of nitrate. Турісаl seasonal сусlе is simulated in UML. Features of the computed distributions are discussed.

