
  • L. V. Kuzmenko
  • S. M. Ignatyev


phytoplankton, abundance, biomass, species diversity, Argentine Islands, Antarctica


From March 2005 till February 2007 during the 10-th and 11-th Ukrainian Antarctic Expeditions in the waters near Galindez Island, Argentine Island Archipelago, where Academic Vernadsky Ukrainian Antarctic station (UAS) is situated, the phytoplankton species composition, abundance and biomass were studied. In total, 199 phytoplankton species (206 taxa and varieties) were found, including 75 species (80 taxa and varieties) identified as new ones for the Archipelago waters. A number of benthic species were found in the surface layer. Bacillariophyta and Dinophyta dominated the community in terms of species numbers, 65 % and 23 %, respectively. Other divisions were presented by 1 to 8 species. In 2005 and 2006, the phytoplankton seasonal dynamics were characterized by the only cell abundance and biomass peak (2,9×109 cells.m-3; 29,4g·m-3) during summer vegetation, when phytoplankton blooms were observed. Analysis of inter annual variability in the community abundance has revealed significant differences in magnitude and timing of vegetation of different microalgal species.


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