Scotiellopsis rubescens, secondary carotenogenesis, astaxanthin, adonixanthin, canthaxanthinAbstract
The features of ketocarotenoid accumulation in cells of green microalgae Scotiellopsis rubescens Vinatz depending on the medium composition during secondary carotenogenesis stage at cultivation, using a two-stage batch culture, have been revealed. Тhe presence of small amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus in the medium (4 – 5 mg·l-1) reduced the loss of cell number after stress-impact, initiating the secondary carotenogenesis by 1 – 2 orders of magnitude, accelerated the accumulation of total carotenoids by 3 – 4 fold, enhanced its content in cells and culture by 2 fold and more, and also increased the percentage of astaxanthin and its predecessors (adonixanthin and canthaxanthin) in total carotenoids pool.
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