
  • E. S. Solomonova
  • A. I. Akimov


batch culture, growth rate, flow cytometry, the coefficient of the variable fluorescence, fluorescein diacetate, the enzymatic activity, enzyme esterase


The possibility of using diatsitat fluorescein (FDA) (flow cytometry) and the coefficient of the variable fluorescence (K) for estimated of the functional state of the algae Chlorella vulgaris suboblonga in the batch cultures were investigated. The positive correlation (r2 = 0.9) between K, and the growth rate were observed. The high rate of restoration (less than a day) this parameter at the improving of the conditions were observed. The parameter FDAfl opposite resistant to the factors, that limiting the growth of algae, on condition that the level of these factors doesn’t lead to destruction of cells. The value FDAfl can serve as an indicator of lethal effects on algae cells. The recovery of this parameter depends on the rate of regeneration a new cellular material, depended on the intensity of light.


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