
  • E. S. Chelebieva
  • G. S. Minyuk
  • I. V. Drobetskaya
  • I. N. Chubchikova


Ettlia carotinosa, secondary carotenogenesis, astaxanthin, lipids, carbohydrates, proteins


For the first time, experimental data, characterizing the fractional composition of secondary carotenoids and content of the main components of dry matter (protein, carbohydrates and lipids) were shown in the cells of green microalgae Ettlia carotinosa Komárek 1989 (Chlorophyceae), which was grown in laboratory by the method of two-stage batch culture. The induction of secondary carotenogenesis in different versions of the experiment was carried out by creating an acute shortage of nutrients in combination with an 8-fold increase in light and induction of 4 different chemical activators of oxidative stress (CH3COONa, NaCl, FeSO4 та H2O2) into medium. It was shown, that in this species, in common to other green algae, the secondary carotenogenesis is associated with the transition of vegetative cells to the resting stage and a significant change in the chemical composition of cells – the primary carotenoid content decreased (from 12% lutein of the total carotenoids to trace amounts, β-carotene from 10 to 5 – 6 %) and protein (40 to 7 – 16 % dry matter) and the accumulation of lipids and carbohydrates (lipids from 19 to 28 – 50 % dry mat-ter, carbohydrates from 23 to 37 – 47 % dry matter, respectively). In the fractional composition of the secondary carotenoids 11 fractions were identified, but the dynamics of their total content was determined mainly by astaxanthin monoesters (48 – 55 % of the total). A characteristic feature of the species is the presence of adonirubin significant amount (10 – 12 % of the total).


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