
  • E. L. Nevrova


benthic diatoms, Bacillariophyta, Black Sea, diversity estimation, taxonomic distinctness


At the Sevastopol bay from the 31 station on silty-sandy bottom in the range of depths a 4 – 17 m (July 2001), the 186 species and intraspecific taxa of benthic diatoms were found. The most widely presented genera were Nitzschia (17 species and infraspecific taxa), Navicula (14), Cocconeis (12), Amphora, Diploneis and Mastogloia (on 10). The most meaningful dominant species which determined the structure of diatom taxocene were distinguished. The species and taxonomic diversity of diatoms were estimated by means of Shannon, Margalef, Pielou, Simpson indices and by means of Average Taxonomic Distinctness (Δ+) and variability in TaxD index (Λ+). The highest Δ+ values were marked for the stations, where the mono- and oligospecies branches closing on the high hierarchical levels of family or order prevailed in the structure of diatom taxocene. The lowest Δ+ values were revealed for the stations, where the species-rich branches aggregated at the genus level prevailed. In the hierarchical tree of diatom taxocene of Sevastopol Bay mono-, oligo and species-rich branches are presented relatively equally. Taxonomical structure of diatom taxocene of entire Sevastopol Bay has characterized by hierarchical eveness and closeness on the architectonics to the structure of flora of whole Black sea, along with the wide variability extent.


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