
  • G. G. Minicheva


macrophytes, morphofunctional parameters, Ecological Status Class, Water Framework Directive, Black Sea


Use of a complex of macrophytes’ morphofunctional parameters has been proposed for coastal ecosystems Ecological Status Class (ESC) assessment in accordance with the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). Benefits of switching from quantitative to qualitative expression of submerged aquatic vegetation ecological properties to express Ecological Evaluation Index have been considered. In accordance with the WFD requirements, formulas for calculation and classification schemes are presented for the four morphofunctional parameters: Three Dominants Ecological Activity (S/W3Dp); Average Species Ecological Activity (S/Wx); Phytocenosis Ecological Activity (S/Wph); Phytocenosis Surface Index (SIph). Advantages and disadvantages of the four proposed parameters used for marine coastal ecosystems monitoring have been discussed. Results of spatial assessment of the Ukrainian Black Sea water areas’ ESC and their long-term dynamics for Odessa coast in 1980-2011 have been presented. The results received have demonstrated similar structure of the ESC categories correlation for the Ukrainian Black Sea coast and Catalan Mediterranean coast, as well as current tendency towards the Ukrainian Black Sea coast environmental status improvement, which in the last years was broken as the result of abnormal climatic conditions.


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