
  • T. V. Rauen
  • V. S. Mukhanov
  • A. N. Khanaychenko


microalgae, bacteria, flow cytometry, Сhlorella vulgaris, antibiotic effect, Artemia salina


In order to optimize cultivation of Artemia salina and reduce bacterial load of this live food the effect of microalgae Сhlorella vulgaris on the hatching rate of nauplii, dynamics of bacteria number in the cultivation medium and the intensity of bacterial colonization on nauplii integuments were studied. Addition of C. vulgaris to Artemia incubation medium reduced bacterial number significantly in comparison with control (respectively, 33.6 ± 0.12 x106 and 82.7± 14 x106 cells. ml-1 after 25 h, t-test, p <0,05). Results indicate well-defined antibiotic effect of Chlorella. Moreover, antibiotic effect persisted also during metamorphosis from nauplii to metanauplii, in presence of additional substrate for bacterial growth. Addition of C. vulgaris to Artemia incubation medium reduced the time of nauplii hatching from cysts and synchronized their metamorphosis to metanauplii. Besides, the degree of intensity of bacterial colonization of Artemia integuments was significantly lower in presence of Chlorella.


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