
  • I. M. Mansurova


dinoflagellates, specific growth rate, growth efficiency, assimilation number, cell volume


The light effect on specific growth rate of the seven species dinoflagellates Prorocentrum cordatum, P. micans, P. pusillum, Gyrodinium fissum, Glenodinium foliaceum, Scrippsiella trochoidea and Heterocapsa triquetra on the light intensities from 10 to 344 μmol m-2.s-1 was investigated. Found that at 19 – 22 º C and a sufficient amount of nutrients Ik parameter that characterizes the beginning of the light saturation of the growth of algae, six species studied were 14 – 36 μmol m-2.s-1. This parameter was higher significantly only for P. cordatum (73 μmol m-2.s-1). The maximum specific growth rate of analyzed species was generally low, ranging from 0.34 to 1.36 day-1. It was shown that values of the carbon to chlorophyll a ratio at the maximum growth of analyzed species varied from 112 to 328 and in most cases exceeded the known values of this parameter for diatoms.


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