
  • Yu. G. Artemov
  • V. N. Egorov
  • S. B. Gulin
  • G. G. Polikarpov


Black Sea, Sorokin’s Trough, mud volcanoes, bubble stream discharge of methane


From 2002 to 2012 acoustic and visual observations were conducted in the water area to the south of the Crimea, known as Sorokin’s Trough. 11 outgassing sources associated with deep mud volcanoes have been revealed in various years. Acquired data provide evidence of significant temporal variability of gas flow from these sources of methane to the water column of the Black Sea. In addition, in the north-eastern sector of Sorokin’s Trough periodic blowouts of bubbling methane forming gas flares 900 meters height have been discovered, which are possibly not related to the phenomenon of mud volcanism. Underwater videoinspection and map-matching the position of gas flares and the bottom microrelief showed that gas bubbles outlets do not have such specific bathymetric pattern as mud volcanoes.


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