
  • S.V. Stadnichenko




Mytilus galloprovincialis, transformed river water, growth, Р/В-coefficient, survival


This article presents the results of a comparative analysis of biomass and number, growth characteristics, production, survival rate of Mytilus galloprovincialis Lаm. from bottom settlements in different areas of the North-western part of the Black Sea, which differ in the degree of influence of river flow. The analysis of the status of bottom settlements of mussels was made by sampling in the near-river areas − Prydunaiskyi, Prydnistrovskyi and Dnieper-Bug (Cape Adzhyyask) regions, Odesa Gulf and Yahorlytskyi Gulf, the area of the Zernov Phyllophora Field at the depths from 2,5 to 30 meters. The distribution of numbers and biomass of mussels in the bottom settlements has a similar pattern, with the lowest values for mussels in the Danube region, and the highest values for the coastal zone in the Prydnistrovskyi region. The average total mass of mussels in the settlements in the districts where water desalination is most pronounced and lower than in the districts where the influence of transformed river waters is less pronounced. For marine areas under the intensive influence of the transformed river water, the РВ-coefficient varies from 0,62 to 1,86, with an average of 1,09. For the areas where the impact of transformed river water is manifested to a lesser extent, the annual PB-coefficient varies from 0,33 to 0,84, the average is 0,56. The obtained average values of the productive coefficient can be used as a background for the water areas of the western-north part of the Black Sea with the different levels of saltiness of the sea water. The minimum growth rate was found for the mussels of the bottom settlements of the Phyllophora field, and the maximum growth rate was found for the mussels of the Yahorlytskyi Gulf. The differences in the morphology of the mussel shell were revealed. There are differences between the length of the shell and the ratio of height to its convexity, the surface area of the mussel shell in the bottom settlements of the northwestern part of the Black Sea with different levels of seawater salinity.


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