
  • T. S. Osadchaya
  • E. I. Ovsyaniy
  • R. Kemp
  • A. S. Romanov
  • O. G. Ignatieva


the Black Sea, bottom sediment, organic carbon, bitumenoid, oil hydrocarbon, pollution


The paper summarizes data available from the literature and recently obtained about interannual variations of the content of organic carbon, chloroform bitumenoids and oil hydrocarbons found in bottom sediments of Sevastopol Bay (Black Sea). For the recent years the bottom sediment has been receiving a rich inflow of organic matter. Localities where organic carbon content is especially high appeared owing to special sedimentation conditions and unevenly distributed anthropogenic load on the bay's water area. As the result, such sediments have reductive properties which foster accumulation of bitumenoids and oil hydrocarbons.


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