
  • S. Giuliani
  • C. Triulzi
  • M. Vaghi

Ключові слова:

Антарктика, загрязнение, 137Cs, 239+240Pu, 238Pu, 241Am


Начиная с 1987 г., Лаборатория радиоэкологии университета г. Парма выполнила ряд исследований в рамках Итальянской Национальной Антарктической программы. Основной задачей было изучение содержания антропогенных радионуклидов 90Sr, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239+240Pu и 241Am в пробах грунта, льда, морской воды, а также в гидробионтах, собранных в районе Итальянской Антарктической станции (море Росса, бухта Терра-Нова).


Buesseler K.O., Livingston H.D. Natural and man-made radionuclides in the Black Sea // Radionuclides in the Oceans: Inputs and Inventories. - Les Ulis (France): Les éditions de physique, 1996. - P. 199-217.

Fiori F., Nonnis Marzano F., Triulzi C. et al. Radionuclidi naturali ed artificiali in sedimenti costieri e d’altura prelevati nell’area marina circostante le Isole Eolie // Atti del XII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia, Vulcano Island, Sept. 18-21, 1997: Proceedings, vol. 1. - P. 361-370.

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Holm E., Roos P., Josefsson D., Persson B. Radioactivity from the North Pole to the Antarctic // Radionuclides in the Oceans: Inputs and Inventories. - Les Ulis (France): Les éditions de physique, 1996. - P. 59 - 74.

Jia G. A rapid and accurate method for determination of 90-Sr in environmental soils // Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. - 1994. - 185. - P. 255 - 264.

Jia G., Desideri D., Guerra F., Meli M.A., Testa C. Concentration and vertical distribution of plutonium and americium in Italian mosses and lichens // Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. - 1997. - 222. - P. 3 - 9.

Jia G., Triulzi C., Nonnis Marzano F., Belli M., Vaghi M. The fate of Plutonium, Am-241, Sr-90 and Cs-137 in the Antarctic ecosystem // Antarctic Science. - 2000. - 12. - P. 141 - 148.

Koide M., Michel R., Goldberg E.D., Herron M.M., Langway C.C. Depositional History of artificial radionuclides in the Ross ice shelf, Antarctica // Earth and Planetary Science Letters. - 1979. - 44. - P. 205 - 223.

Nonnis Marzano F., Triulzi C. Radioecological Researches on the marine environment facing the Italian Base in Antarctica (1989-91) // International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. - 1994. - 55. - P. 243 - 252.

Nonnis Marzano F., Triulzi C., Casoli A. et al. Marine and lacustrine radioecological researches in Antarctica. 1992-1994 // International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. - 1998. - 71. - P. 311 -319.

Nyffeler F., Cigna A. A., Dahlgaard H., Livingston H.D. Radionuclides in the Atlantic Ocean: a survey // Radionuclides in the Oceans: Inputs and Inventories. - Les Ulis (France): Les éditions de physique, 1996. - P. 1 - 28.

Papucci C., Charmasson S., Delfanti R, et al. Time evolution and levels of man-made radioactivity in the Mediterranean Sea // Radionuclides in the Oceans: Inputs and Inventories. - Les Ulis (France): Les éditions de physique, 1996. - P. 177 - 197.

Triulzi C., Mangia A., Casoli A. et al. F. Artificial and natural radionuclides, alkaline and earth-alkaline elements in some environmental abiotic samples of Antartica // Annali di Chimica. - 1989. - 79. - P. 723 - 733.

Triulzi C., Nonnis Marzano F., Mori A. et al. Presence of radionuclides in biotic and abiotic matrixes collected in the environment around the Italian Base in Antarctica // Annali di Chimica. - 1991. - 81. - P. 549 - 561.

Triulzi C., Nonnis Marzano F., Casoli A. et al. Radioactive and stable isotopes in abiotic and biotic components of Antarctic ecosystems surronding the Italian Base // Int. Jour. of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. - 1995. - 61. - P. 225 - 230.

Wolff E.W. Signals of atmospheric pollution in polar snow and ice // Antarctic Science. - 1990. - 2. - P. 189 - 205.


