
  • В. В. Муріна
  • А. Е. Кідейс
  • Ф. Устун
  • Б. Токлу

Ключові слова:

батипелагічні личинки, поліхети, Vigtorniella zaikai, Чорне море


The bathypelagic larvae of the polychaete, Vigtorniella zaikai, were found in the southern part of the Black Sea for the first time. The findings were made in the depths from 85 – 110 to 150 – 180 m at 14 stations. Maximum density (119 ind m-3) of the larvae was registered in suboxic zone (<10mM dissolved oxygen content, DOC), immediately above the hydrogen sulphide seawater layer. Vertical distribution of pelagic larvae of other polychaetes associated with V. zaikai was also studied. The deepest seawater layer adjoining redox zone was inhabited by V. zaikai, Protodrilus sp. and the larvae of Phyllodocidae gen. sp. These taxa compose the bathypelagic polychaetes fauna.


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